Hey guys! I do love plastic, and it's versatile use today for sooo much. I am sure we have all heard about don't use plastic, recycle, and about not using plastic bags in grocery stores. Where I am now, in Denver, Colorado, there is a slight tax for using the plastic bags that they have in the grocery stores. I think that is all cool, and so far I've seen it be effective for the goal of reducing plastic bag usage.
Now to get right to the point, plastic is everywhere. It's in our car, on the keyboard of the laptop I'm using, in what we drink out of, and in what we eat. Yes, literally it is in what we eat. Microplastics are even in the table salt that we eat, glacial ice, and at the bottom of the ocean. They've completely circulated by now into every area. Micro plastics are broken down pieces of plastic. Now, this is a rabbit hole that I won't dive deep into today, but I will relate to why I am bringing it up!
So you have your piece of tupperware. I remember learning this way back in High School, and didn't really remember or know where to research it, but then I found all of this data that suggested the plastics that we come in contact with, or that our food comes in contact with matters. Just like heating up a piece of food in a tupperware, in the microwave can actually have some pretty drastic effects. It leaches some of the chemicals that are in the petroleum based plastic, like the BPA that everyone has heard of by now, phthalates (another toxic chemical to humans) into our food.
I personally NEVER heat my food up, or even store hot food in plastic. Not storing food in plastics is a little bit harder, but I definitely still do it after everything I have seen and read about plastics. Plastics in our body cause inflammation, cell damage, miscommunication, immune response. Isn't weird how those are ALL the driving causes of most diseases we have today? 90% of all disease is lifestyle and internally driven, meaning not by our genes. That is so interesting. When I was first listening to Dr. Mark Hyman of the functional aging clinic at the Mayo Institute, that was CRAZY when I found that out!
To sum it all up, when I store or have hot food that needs to be stored, I store it in glass. They now have glass tupperware everywhere, which makes it very easy. I think doing this 20 years ago must've been harder, haha!
Using glass tupperware can increase your bodies ability to age better, feel more natural, not poison it with these free radical plastics, and allow you to heal better/recover better from sleep. Which alone will help with increasing so many other areas of your life like longevity and energy!
Pro Ryan Tip:
Don't use plastic to heat things up, plastic and hot food, or microwave NEVER mixes well for your health now, and in the future. Wake up and make the right choice!
Check the rest of my blog out for meal tips, other health hacks, and fitness related things too.